
(Let the Good Times Roll)

According to an article on Reuters Revellers in New Orleans celebrated Carnival and Mardi Gras with parades, giant floats and parties that were expected to attract about a million people to the city and its historic French Quarter and generate an estimated $300 million.

Eight years after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, local organizers of the celebrations predicted Carnival 2013 would be one of the best ever.

Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is the final day of the weeks- long Carnival season. It is devoted to unfettered frivolity and partying in the final hours before Ash Wednesday, which begins the Lenten season of sacrifice in the Catholic Church.

This year’s celebration comes less than two weeks after New Orleans hosted Super Bowl XLVII, which stuffed local hotels to capacity.

Most of Carnival’s revenue is generated in the city’s hotels, restaurants and bars. But Carnival krewe members contribute millions of dollars by buying costumes and “throws” – the plastic-bead necklaces and krewe-themed trinkets that float riders toss to the crowds as parades move along the streets.

Advertisers are also looking to take advantage of influx of people to the city.  Numerous Out of Home Advertising displays could be spotted around town and near parade routes.

Several images of this campaign was captured by our Field Professional as part of the monthly OutdoorAdVault image capture in New Orleans.

OutdoorAdVault is a business to business service used for educational and research purposes with monthly subscriptions available through the Carroll Media Services website.  The current database exceeds 120,000 images.  Two top line benefits of a subscription to this service is to see outdoor advertising trends as they occur across the country from month to month, as well as to research creative executions over several years – by brand, category, DMA, etc.

If you would like more information on an OutdoorAdVault subscription please contact  Carroll Media Services.

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